The Orban-government has lost its touch with sanity

piriujhelyiThe outgoing Dutch ambassador in Hungary described an objective and precise picture of Hungarian political reality. Instead of sound arguments, the Orban-administration answers to criticism with pugnacious animosity reminiscent of lonely dictatorships. Although the governing Fidesz party has now officially cut ambassador-level diplomatic ties with the Netherlands they cut ties with sanity and with Europeanism as well. The Hungarian government’s actions only prove Ambassador Scheltema’s words that “Orban’s and his peers’ worldview based on the binary concept of pros and cons which defines who is friend or enemy. We, members of the European Parliament call on the Orban-government to put an end to the insanity that defines its diplomatic relations! Hungary’s place is in the European Union. The Netherlands is a defining, founding member of this community and a friend of the Hungarian nation. The criticism of the Dutch ambassador was merely aimed at the Orban-government and Fidesz, not Hungary or the Hungarian people. Orban’s politics are putting Hungary’s EU membership in jeopardy while the community is the only guarantee for Europe’s continued peace, stability and development.

Kati Piri, Hungarian-born Dutch Member of the European Parliament, member of the S&D Group
Istvan Ujhelyi, Hungarian Socialist Member of the European Parliament, member of the S&D Group


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