Published: 25.8.2019
The European Parliament will begin its ninth cycle next week. Over the next few days, we will learn a lot more about those to head European institutions, just as the main issues to shape the European Community over the coming years will become clear, and the contours of its directives will be even thicker. A turning point is coming, as the debate on the next seven-year EU budget is underway, moreover, in addition to stopping the forces that aim to eradicate the EU, the community must take concrete steps in critical matters, such as the economic problems that are causing the social crisis or the climate crisis that poses an immediate threat to our lives.
In the newly elected European Parliament, thanks to the wisdom of the people of Europe, there is still a majority of forces that stand for peace and keeping the community together in Europe. Orbán and Fidesz expected that after some display of bravado they would chasse into the corridors of Brussels with their hands in their pockets and blackmail the European with the help of their anti-EU gambler buddies. One of Fidesz’, in fact, outgoing, MEPs, openly admitted that if things were not to happen according to their taste, they would be prepared to create a „blocking minority” with anti-European extremists that would prevent the adoption of the new budget. The same shiny tracksuit black marketeering approach shines through every Fidesz decision, such as when Orbán and Co. explains the veto of European climate goals by stating that the EU should give money first and only then will they discuss the matter. They will also stop global warming after migration, but the kids need a castle first. Crystal clear. Just as the Orbán-government, Fidesz MEPs have also clearly been playing music from Russian score in recent years; they were executors of the ‘Putin Plan,’ if you like, and have probably remained just that. They nearly literally took over Putin’s laws pestering civil organizations, while opening the doors and guaranteeing extralegal status to the Russian development bank under rigorous cover and assisting super power ambitions to weaken the Union with anti-EU propaganda. Just recently, Putin made it clear that liberal democracy was dead in his opinion, and instead the advancement of populism was the way to go. Although Orbán has recently voted for the proclamation of the European People’s Party, which pushed for the strengthening of the liberal value system, he actually keeps reciting Putin’s score: freedom rights, equality and solidarity are terms he cannot make any sense of. Orbán’s famous re-burial speech might be played on loop at festivals; even the sound of the machine cannot hide the Kafka-esque transformation of the young liberal into an elderly comrade.
The European Parliament is launching its ninth cycle in days. The MEPs of Fidesz, who voluntarily had themselves suspended from the Peoples’ Party community, are now facing spine crushing times: they are no longer able to nod and ask for understanding of their anti-Brussels and anti-Soros sallies. No more “peacock dance” for them. There is a clear choice of values between the European community, including the interests of a European Hungary and unrestricted populism combined with that vile robber mentality that measures everyone and everything only in euro cents. We shall see and watch what they choose. For us, a European Hungary comes first.
dr. István Ujhelyi
30 June, 2019