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Brussels Not Moscow, and Orbán No True Statesman

Brussels Not Moscow, and Orbán No True Statesman

„Fortunately, Brussels is not Moscow,” said the Prime Minister of Fidesz to a carefullyselected, private audience at the state commemoration on 23 October. This is not thefirst time Orbán has […]

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Government Loses National Character Once and for All!

Government Loses National Character Once and for All!

I am sure that we could go on for days listing the appalling crimes of the current regime, and even then we would not necessarily get to the end; but […]

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The swindle is on: Orbán doesn’t even want to agree on EU funds!

The swindle is on: Orbán doesn’t even want to agree on EU funds!

The recent news in the Financial Times and Politico that, if Viktor Orbán’s government agrees to an increase in the EU budget and thus to additional financial aid for Ukraine, […]

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Fidesz’s Joy Premature: Brussels Not Fully Satisfied with Judicial Reform

Fidesz’s Joy Premature: Brussels Not Fully Satisfied with Judicial Reform

The Hungarian government has reported the judiciary reform completed to the European Commission, and at the same time has submitted invoices for hundreds of millions of euros, which it expects […]

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Someone has the nerve, inNIT?!

Someone has the nerve, inNIT?!

I had a rather surreal meeting this week at the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg: a representative of the so-called National Youth Council (NIT) asked me to […]

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Let us be proud, too!

Let us be proud, too!

After today’s open letter, the full-time agitators on the governing party side – without seeing or getting the point – will, as usual, call me a treasonous and spit at […]

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<strong>Booking.com story: effective advocacy instead of power demo</strong>

Booking.com story: effective advocacy instead of power demo

I am not in the habit of letting the public in on all the behind-the-scenes details of my work as an MEP: on the one hand, it is not nearly […]

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<strong>Mr Orbán, what about the „dough”??</strong>

Mr Orbán, what about the „dough”??

The Hungarian government has only one month left to officially submit its detailed request for the loan part of the EU funds, referred to by the Hungarian press as the […]

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<strong>Erasmus: who’s going to take the blame?</strong>

Erasmus: who’s going to take the blame?

„We won a battle in Brussels in just five minutes”, said Tibor Navracsics after his meeting with the European Commission regarding the fate of the Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe funds. […]

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<strong>Agricultural Subsidies: Brussels Document Also Proves Government Lied</strong>

Agricultural Subsidies: Brussels Document Also Proves Government Lied

A few weeks ago, Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office Gergely Gulyás made a cynical mockery of my credibility, calling me a downright liar with a metaphor, after I revealed […]

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EU funds: Orbán gets dizzy from slap

EU funds: Orbán gets dizzy from slap

„We go to the wall holding hands, we stop, we hug each other” – this is how Viktor Orbán nonchalantly characterised the negotiations on EU funds during one of his […]

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Á propos an advertisement promoting peace

Á propos an advertisement promoting peace

We are living in turbulent historical times, without knowing what the consequences, for example, of the rapid internal power play in Russia will have, also for us. What is certain […]

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