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Gábor Iványi at the European Patriot Award Ceremony: „It is a privilege to serve those in need”

Gábor Iványi at the European Patriot Award Ceremony: „It is a privilege to serve those in need”

The European Patriot Award was presented this year for the third time, and Chair of Oltalom Charity Society Gábor Iványi was voted this year’s winner by the public. The award […]

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Plasma-donation: an hour of the donor’s life, life as such maybe for someone else!

Plasma-donation: an hour of the donor’s life, life as such maybe for someone else!

I am convinced that the widest possible implementation of the European Health Union programme, which I partly initiated, will be one of the most important tasks for our European Community, […]

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<strong>Government Lying Through Their Teeth About EU Agricultural Tenders </strong> 

Government Lying Through Their Teeth About EU Agricultural Tenders  

Minister of the Cabinet Gergely Gulyás, with a cynical half-smile under his moustache, said at the recent Cabinet meeting that although he would „build a marble palace” on my credibility, […]

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<strong>European Patriot Award 2023: Online Vote to Decide This Year’s Winner</strong>

European Patriot Award 2023: Online Vote to Decide This Year’s Winner

It’s been a symbolically strong week: Fidesz is trying to erase the last shreds of the ideal of the republic from the Hungarian state establishment – this time at the […]

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<strong>Clear Message from Brussels: Teachers’ Pay Raises Depend on Fidesz Government Alone</strong>

Clear Message from Brussels: Teachers’ Pay Raises Depend on Fidesz Government Alone

For a long time, the government has been deceiving Hungarians with the despicable lie that they cannot implement the long-promised pay rise for teachers because „Brussels has withheld EU funds” […]

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Message to Sweden and Finland: Viktor Orbán Not Equal to Hungary!

Message to Sweden and Finland: Viktor Orbán Not Equal to Hungary!

I am writing my Sunday Open Letter for the 400th time, but this is not the only thing that makes this week’s essay special. The Orbán government’s ridiculous trifling with […]

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<strong>“Join the Union!” Community of Chance Launches Support Campaign</strong>

“Join the Union!” Community of Chance Launches Support Campaign

It is not enough to talk about problems and fire off promises; concrete steps and commitments must be taken to improve the quality of healthcare, said Member of the European […]

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Hungarian Military Volunteer from Transcarpathia Receives this Year’s „Unbroken Award”

Hungarian Military Volunteer from Transcarpathia Receives this Year’s „Unbroken Award”

Associate professor at Uzhhorod National University, Viktor Traski, an ethnic Hungarian family man from Transcarpathia who volunteered to serve on the Ukrainian front, was awarded this year’s Unbroken Award (Rendületlenül-díj), […]

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<strong>Bad News: European Commission Does Not Accept Government’s Amendments!</strong>

Bad News: European Commission Does Not Accept Government’s Amendments!

I wish I were wrong and the Orbán government had already made the necessary rule of law changes, retracted the most hideous tentacles of the NER and the funds that […]

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<strong>Ujhelyi Questions Government on Use of EU Recovery Fund Loan Component</strong>

Ujhelyi Questions Government on Use of EU Recovery Fund Loan Component

The government has already indicated in several statements that, contrary to its earlier claims, after all, it intends to draw down the loan part of the so-called Recovery Fund, but […]

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<strong>Who to Hate Next for Frozen Funds?</strong>

Who to Hate Next for Frozen Funds?

The deadline is fast approaching for the Hungarian government to meet its so-called super-milestones, the partial dismantling of the corrupt system of national cooperation. Viktor Orbán had recently confidently predicted […]

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<strong>We Need Peace! But What Kind?</strong>

We Need Peace! But What Kind?

A year ago, the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, 365 days of guns blazing, tanks rumbling, innocent lives perishing, and harmless families turning into fractured communities. There is no excuse […]

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copyrighted 2022, Dr. Ujhelyi István